5 Brand Management Tips for Better Brand Recognition
Brand Management Tips by our Social Media Inspiral Team. Building a brand, especially in the digital marketing era, is something that takes tremendous amounts of effort, and yet, it is not the end of the road. Managing your brand and finding ways to stay relevant within your niche is probably the most difficult part of having a brand.
However, you can rest assured that your brand will be consistent across all the communication channels while engaging with your target audience and potential customers if you create a good brand management strategy.
At Inspiral, we have 5 brand management tips you can start applying right away to keep everything running smoothly. Let us begin!.

Respect your brand style.
Despite the obviousness of this point, we must emphasize the importance of having a uniform presentation of your brand across all the communication channels it has.
Effective brand management comes by Always following your brand guidelines, whether it is for design, copywriting, Social Media posts, Advertising, tone, voice, etc. A brand consistent in time projects security and confidence. Follow the style guide of your brand at any time.
Of course, this does not mean that a brand cannot redesign a logo or add more colors to the IG publications fee, but you cannot be doing this every 3 months. Take notice that every time you change something about your brand, a new brand awareness process begins so people can stay familiarized with who you are.
Your name is sacred: think about it very well.
Good Brands, the best brands, build a solid identity from the beginning, and the name is a key element to building a brand that is easily recognized in the market and can generate an impact on its consumers.
In the digital world, your brand will be recognized by its name with which you will try to capitalize on all the Brand building work behind your business. The name is sacred because it is a fundamental part of the identity of a Brand and is one of the first points of connection between it and its potential consumers, and it is what will allow it to be unequivocally recognized in the future, being a key element in the value equation of the same.
If the brand is successful and easily recognized, it will have multiplied its value.
Whether your business offers a product or service, think carefully about your brand’s name and avoid trivial and encrypted names that people will have trouble remembering.
Know your why and motivation
A unique brand has a motivation behind it that drives it to offer the best customer experience possible. But, sometimes, we can confuse motivation for goals.
Goals are short-term accomplishments like being profitable or making money. And those are okay, but when making money is your only priority, you will make some twisted decisions along the way. If you do not believe us, ask Blockbuster how it went with their strategy of charging absurd amounts of money for films returned out of date.
Good knowledge of our product is the primary component to be able to understand our brand, communicate it, and also understand how it works in our buyer’s life.
When managing your brand, you must also influence brand awareness.

Delegate and surround yourself with people who understand your brand.
Again, obvious, but you would be surprised to know how many business owners are obsessed with controlling every aspect of their brand’s performance, but this is simply not possible.
Why? Because managing a brand is a process, and like any other process, it has several steps or stages you need to keep an eye on.
The best thing you can do to take care of your brand is to put it in the hands of capable people who can be vigilant.
This will allow you to focus on the things you need to focus on to keep your business growing and innovating.
Think about your customers all the time.
Trust, transparency, security, experiences, stories, and emotions. Good brands consolidate sensations and concepts in their consumers and that is why they turn to them again and again, even recommending them for their services.
It’s true: consumers are always looking for the best price/value ratio. However, this should not be the only meeting point between your consumers and your brand. Keeping a brand in the customer’s mind is not only and exclusively about making many offers on your products, large and expensive advertising campaigns, flyers, and flashy brochures, or having a strong presence on Social Media.
Yes: all these are important variables, and they can certainly help you get a little further. But what is fundamental is to consolidate in the consumer an image or a concept, associated and supported, of course, by a good product or service, because that is what consumers respond to.
Be clear, be transparent, and try to always deliver the best possible experience to your customers and they will get back to you over and over again.
A word From Inspiral.
A unique brand is not unique because it offers something people could not find elsewhere, no. The uniqueness comes from taking care of the brand and its communication to deliver customers solutions to problems they may face in the future.
Take care of your brand as it is more valuable than any other part of your business. We hope this brand management tips help you in your growth path!
At Inspiral, we want every brand to be found by the right people. We are passionate about brands that inspire and communicate with people.
Check our webshop and find the right Hack for your brand.
Growing is a path. Take it with us!
Juan Carlos Zuloaga
About Juan Carlos
I have been developing startups and scaleups in Europe and South America throughout my life.
From 2012 to 2016, I developed several companies in the Netherlands' Import and Export and tourism sector.
A key milestone was to scale one famous US franchise ¨¨ Ripley's Believe It or Not¨, in Europe—
becoming one of the 32 Museums of Ripley's Believe It or Not and one of the 96 Attractions of the Ripleys Entertainment Group.
Since 2016, my focus has been on developing startups such as Chamba, a Gig Economy Platform for Home Services in Ecuador, and SelfieFeedback, an Online Reviews Platform based in The Netherlands.
Back in 2018, together with two cofounders, we created our marketing agency in Ecuador called Serendipia to understand how to accelerate the process of launching a company.
Serendipia (www.serendipia.ec) is a marketing agency working with client companies such as Estes in Ecuador and has been part of developing the first tech community called Guayaquil Tech.
Since 2020, I have been applying Growth Hacking in our agency and startups. And in 2021, I launched our own Growth Hacking Agency, Inspiral Growth.
Growth Hacking is about constantly learning.
Having completed academic studies in Germany, Denmark and Ecuador made it possible to take a comprehensive view of management styles and understand the cultural map needed in international environments.
- With more than 15 years of experience as a CEO and ten years as an entrepreneur, I focus on helping sustainable projects and working with leaders in their respective sectors.
For me, Growth Hacking is the next level of Business Development.
Reaching the status of a T-Shape Growth Hacker can be pretty challenging, yet not impossible.
Our goal with Inspiral Growth is always to learn new strategies to scale the brands we assist.
We believe in a lean and sustainable approach.
For that reason, we call our agency Inspiral Growth.