inspiral masterminds fogatas

Unlock Your Next Breakthrough

The inspiral mastermind for tech leaders to grow through business strategy, mindset, and performance, with a focus on conscious leadership.

A Hands-on, solutions-oriented approach to share and learn about :

Tech Entrepreneurship
Conscious Leadership
Holistic Performance Development

Our masterminds experience includes...

Get free online Courses

No hidden fees to free assets with extra knowledge at home.

Build new healthy Habits

Creating the right space to achieve your goals with Practical tools!

Get access to Frameworks

Signature tools too pair your journey including Books and Podcasts.

Tap into The Collective Wisdom

Harness the power of Masterminds to discover new insights for your business.

Boost your Performance

Learn how to impact key performance indicators.


Positive Change

Increase your opportunities for strategic collaboration.

Meet other


Share valuable resources with members in other industries.

Practice Conflict Resolution

Through mindfulness and well-being techniques.

Join our Live Events and Retreats

Join our tailored workshops to fine-tune the mind, body, and energy, promoting a healthier work-life balance.

Refine your Energy Skills

Be part of a Group that values well-being, joy, and commitment to sustainable growth.

Bring Awareness to your Life

Stand out in the service of your own vision with personalized coaching sessions.

Join a Conscious Environment

where members are engaged, motivated, and contributing their best efforts in the pursuit of their potential.

What is an Inspiral Mastermind?

Are you a tech leader in the EU looking to accelerate both your personal and professional growth?

This space is designed for ambitious executives, especially those in tech, to share ideas, gain expert guidance, and receive unwavering support. It’s more than goal-setting—it’s about developing conscious leadership, boosting high performance, and mastering storytelling to connect deeply with others and share your vision effectively.

Let’s elevate together!

What are our Core Values?

Tenacity Through Accountability

Our masterminds are committed to the tenacity it takes to help each member pursue their potential. We hold each other accountable for progress, care, and perseverance, ensuring no one is left behind in their journey toward success.

Community Strength Through Connectivity

We believe in the power of shared challenges and insights. By connecting and supporting each other, we increase our chances of achieving financial dreams, personal goals, and professional growth together.

Boldness for Breakthroughs

We foster an environment where bold questions and out-of-the-box ideas are encouraged. It’s through this daring approach that we unlock breakthroughs in business and personal growth—questions others might be afraid to ask but are exactly what’s needed to drive success.

Each task or idea we pursue is tested against these values by asking:
Can I stand behind this with full commitment?

Each task or idea we pursue is tested against these values by asking:
Community Strength:
Will this bring financial strength to our community?

Each task or idea we pursue is tested against these values by asking:
Does this promote innovation and sustainable growth?

Play Video about Inspiral Mastermind Video

How does it work?

sign up for your first inspiral mastermind

Step one:
Your first Mastermind

  • Access our calendar: After purchase,  access our calendar and schedule.
  • Choose your session: Select your preferred mastermind and sign up.
  • Join the next session: Check your email and use the link. 
share and learn in our inspiral mastermind

Step two:
Share and learn

  • Present your challenge: Share a current challenge or goal.
  • Receive collective wisdom: Listen to insights and advice from the group.
  • Engage: Participate and share your INSPIRAL stories.
make new habits with inspiral mastermind, Organizing a Mastermind Session

Step three:
Refine your plan

  • Optimize your habits: Identify and adjust your plan. 
  • Get feedback: Use insights from the group to refine your strategies.
  • Take action: Implement  and track your progress.

How we elevate
your business

inspiral clinics

This contributes to increased productivity, efficiency, and achievement of organisational goals.

  • Strategic Clarity: Gain focused direction with actionable insights for scaling your business.

  • High Performance Mindset: Enhance leadership through energy management and conscious decision-making.

  • Collaboration & Networking: Connect with like-minded tech executives for shared learning and growth.

  • Holistic Growth: Foster both personal and business development, ensuring long-term sustainable success.
inspiral growth hacking agency inspiral mindset and inspiral performance

About your Host

Hi, I’m Juan Carlos, founder of Inspiral, which began as a growth hacking agency.

Inspiral Growth evolved into a platform offering courses, webinars, mindset events, and my signature Business Coaching Program.

Inspired by a story about our future with AI, I realized the importance of fostering human connection and collaboration now.

That’s why I created Inspiral Masterminds—weekly online gatherings for leaders worldwide to discuss Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Growth. If you’re interested in joining, we have now 3 memberships available since our launch.

Transform Your Business with Expert OptIn Sales Funnel Creation. Maximize Conversions, Delight Customers, and Drive Rapid Growth. Contact Us to Start Today!

What your business would be like if...

  • … you finally know where to find the next professional advice that you were looking for, by preparing yourself to share your challenges with the tribe.
  • … you know exactly HOW you solved your last challenge   and HOW to share your insights with others without feeling sleazy.  Upgrading your storytelling skills, and enhancing your own public speaking skills.   Become an Inspiral Spark for others! 

Who is in the Room?

inspiral mastermind
inspiral mastermind

Are you a seasoned executive leader or serial tech founder looking to accelerate growth within the tech industry? without lossing sight of what matters most to you?

Inspiral Mastermind, is an exclusive community designed for tech leaders and serial across Europe.

We specialize in fostering growth through shared challenges and expert advice, with a special focus on supporting leaders from Spanish-speaking backgrounds.

Our sessions go beyond traditional masterminds, offering an online space where tech executives unite, gain fresh perspectives, and develop strategies for conscious leadership and personal growth in today’s fast-evolving tech landscape.

Inspiral Spark inspiral Mastermind

Are you an Inspiral Spark?

Who is it best for?

  • Tech executives in AI or growth-focused sectors looking for personal and professional transformation.
  • Leaders aiming to drive performance with innovative strategies and high-impact habits.
  • Latino entrepreneurs in Europe looking to navigate and excel in the tech ecosystem.
  • Innovators driven by conscious leadership and who seek continuous learning to adapt and lead in the tech industry.

Features on Spark Masterminds

Inspiral Sparks Level

Access to 2 Weekly Mastermind Sessions:

These will cover broad topics relevant to entrepreneurship, personal development, and growth strategies.

Weekly Schedule:

Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 PM CET Amsterdam. Plan ahead, Use our calendar to sign up and save your seat.

Community Engagement:

Spark members are part of the WhatsApp group INSPIRAL TRIBE for ongoing discussions and support.

inspiral mastermind fogatas

Are you an Inspiral Fire?

Who is it best for?

  • Tech leaders seeking accelerated personal and professional development through workshops and guided learning.
  • Executives who value both strategic and mindset-driven growth to enhance their career.
  • Latino professionals in Europe looking to leverage AI and other cutting-edge tech strategies to scale their impact.
  • Individuals committed to continuous improvement, eager to access past INSPIRAL events for transformative learning

Features on Fire Masterminds

Inspiral Fire Level

Access to 2 Weekly Mastermind Sessions:

These will cover broad topics relevant to entrepreneurship, personal development, and growth strategies.

Weekly Schedule:

Mondays, and Wednesdays at 4 PM CET Amsterdam. Plan ahead, Use our calendar to sign up and save your seat.

INSPIRAL Priority Access:

Early access to any special events or content, Including our Monthly 90 Minutes Inspiral Workshop, Inspiral Mindset Recordings and Inspiral Webinars..

Community Engagement:

Spark members are part of the WhatsApp group INSPIRAL TRIBE for ongoing discussions and support.

Community Engagement:

Inspiral Wellnergy Retreat Priority: First access to Early Bird spots for the yearly Inspiral Wellnergy Retreat 2025 (TBC).

Inspiral Blaze Inspiral Mastermind
inspiral mastermind fogatas

Are you an Inspiral Blaze?

  • Experienced tech executives running high-growth startups or scaleups.
  • Ambitious leaders managing cross-functional, international teams.
  • Entrepreneurs focused on scaling operations across Europe.
  • Leaders committed to high-performance and conscious leadership.
Key Benefits:
  • Strategic business coaching to support rapid scale.
  • Exclusive mastermind with up to 20 highly committed leaders.
  • Personalized accelerator program with weekly One on One Business coaching.
  • Dedicated accountability group fostering growth and leadership.
  • Access to all mastermind sessions and personalized coaching.
  • Intensive support for navigating complex operations and international markets.

Features on Blaze Masterminds

Inspiral Blaze Level

Access to All 3 Weekly Mastermind Sessions:

In addition to the two Spark sessions, Blaze members get an exclusive mastermind session focused on more advanced topics. Access to 12 Inspiral Masterminds.

30 Minutes Monthly Onboarding & Follow Up Call:

Included to maximize your Mastermind Experience!

One-on-One Inspiral Business Coaching:

Purchase before 1st. October and get A 60-minute coaching session per month to focus on personal or business challenges following our Inspiral Performance 12-Weeks Program.

One Monthly Announcement of your Brand

in our Weekly Inspiral Newsletters. Optional : Invitation to our Podcast Inspiral Hacks

Weekly Schedule:

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 PM CET Amsterdam. Plan ahead, Use our calendar to sign up and prepare your session with the help of your weekly Inspiral Business Coaching Session.

INSPIRAL Priority Access:

Early access to any special events or content, Including our Monthly 90 Minutes Inspiral Workshop, Inspiral Mindset and Inspiral Webinars.

Exclusive Community Group:

A separate WhatsApp group and Slack workspace for Blaze members, fostering deeper connections and higher-level discussions.

Community Engagement:

Inspiral Wellnergy Retreat Priority: First access to Early Bird spots for the yearly Inspiral Wellnergy Retreat 2025 (TBC). Extra benefits each Quarter including Invited Specialist Masterclasses and Tech devices.

Act now to secure your membership at the launch price. Once the launch period ends on October 1st, 2024, membership prices will increase.

All memberships purchased before October 1st, 2024, will be locked in at the current price for the first 12 months, valid until October 1st, 2025.

Don’t miss our launch prices! After September 30th, membership fees will increase.

  • Inspiral Spark: From €9.99/month to €99.90/month
  • Inspiral Fire: From €29.99/month to €299.90/month 
    Inspiral Blaze: From €299.90/quarter to €2999/month (with exclusive new benefits every new quarter of the year.)

Features on All Inspiral Masterminds

Inspiral Masterminds were launched in September with an special introductory pricing a shown below. The official prices will be updated on the 1st. of October 2024. 

Inspiral Spark

99.99 / per month
  • Access to Up to 8 Spark Masterminds Monthly.
  • Join from anywhere. Cancel anytime.

    Inspiral Fire

    299.90/ per month
  • Includes a Monthly Group Workshop.
  • Access to All 3 Masterminds Weekly
  • Join from anywhere. Cancel anytime.

    Inspiral Blaze

    7999/ per quarter
  • Monthly Inspiral Workshops (3)
  • Weekly Business Coaching Sessions (12)
  • Monthly Spot Announcement in Newsletters.
  • Onboarding Call and Access to All 3 Masterminds Weekly(15).
  • Only 10 Spots Open for the rest of 2024.
  • Renew or Cancel every Quarter.
  • One Special Item for high performance each quarter.

    Payment Plans for the Blaze Mastermind Available!  membership fees will increase.

    • Inspiral Blaze Plan:  A payment option of €2999/month.(with exclusive new benefits presented each quarter of the year.)
    • For more information please send us an email to

    14-Day FREE Trial

    Join ONE upcoming Mastermind Session for FREE

    Five-Star Ratings and Counting from our Inspiral Experiences

    I thoroughly enjoyed the event, I found that all speakers were very engaged and had interesting things to share. Would definitely recommend it!
    Aline Carvalho
    Well organized and awesome introduction, the Instructor was informative and passionate!
    Hannah Callen
    I experienced the event as a an opportunity to learn new skills and find out more about topics i was not too familiar with. Also it's a very warm environment to network.
    Irina Albulescu
    In fact I liked all the speakers I have seen. They all gave short but meaningful introductions with little exercises so you could feel the possible impact of their method.
    Hans van der Vliet

    Mastermind Subjects
    September Sessions

    Inspiral Mastermind Rules

    • We begin promptly at 4 PM CET (Amsterdam time). Please be on time.

    • Every session starts with a 5-minute meditation to release stress and bring focus. Meditation styles may vary.

    • We’ll do a brief 2-minute introduction: name, business, location. This is for awareness, not pitching. Post-session, all attendees will be connected via email.

    • Sign up to the Mastermind via the calendar link, up to 2 hours prior. Please cancel at least 1 hour before if unable to attend.

    • Submit your challenges 2 hours prior to the session. We’ll vote on which to address, aiming to discuss at least two.

    • If no challenges are submitted beforehand, one can be presented at the start. Otherwise, we’ll discuss a topic from our pre-planned calendar.

    Mindset & Respect:

    • Embrace an open and growth mindset.

    • Respect others’ time and ideas by allowing everyone to speak and share equally.

    • Maintain confidentiality: what’s shared in the mastermind, stays in the mastermind.
    Let’s ensure a respectful, collaborative space for all, aimed at mutual growth.
    Laying the Foundation

    Spark Session 1: Vision & Goal Setting Overview of the mastermind structure. Setting clear, actionable goals for the next four months. Visualization techniques to stay focused on long-term success.

    Laying the Foundation

    Spark Session 2: Building a Strong Foundation in Business Understanding your "Why" and aligning it with your business vision. Identifying key pillars of a successful business. Practical steps to strengthen these foundational elements.

    Laying the Foundation

    Fire Session: Crafting Your Personal & Business Roadmap Deep dive into creating a detailed, personalized roadmap. One-on-one feedback and refinement of individual plans. Strategies to overcome initial obstacles.

    Week 2: Mindset Mastery

    Spark Session 1: Cultivating a Growth Mindset Exploring the concept of a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset. Techniques to shift perspective and embrace challenges. Practical exercises to develop resilience.

    Week 2: Mindset Mastery

    Spark Session 2: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Identifying and addressing common limiting beliefs in entrepreneurship. Tools and practices to reframe negative thoughts. Group discussion on personal experiences and breakthroughs.

    Week 2: Mindset Mastery

    Fire Session: Advanced Strategies for Mental Resilience Personalized strategies for maintaining a strong, positive mindset under pressure. Techniques for high-performance thinking. Individual coaching on specific mindset challenges.

    Week 3: Strategic Planning

    Spark Session 1: Business Model Innovation Understanding different business models. Evaluating and innovating within your current model. Group brainstorming on innovative ideas.

    Week 3: Strategic Planning

    Spark Session 2: Strategic Goal Setting for Q4 Breaking down annual goals into quarterly objectives. Actionable steps to achieve these goals by the end of the year. Group accountability for these objectives.

    Week 3: Strategic Planning

    Fire Session: Advanced Strategic Planning Individualized strategic planning sessions. Focus on scaling strategies and risk management. Tailored advice and support for complex business challenges.

    Week 4: Building Momentum

    Spark Session 1: Time Management & Productivity Hacks Effective time management techniques for busy entrepreneurs. Tools and apps to boost productivity. Creating a personalized productivity plan.

    Week 4: Building Momentum

    Spark Session 2: Networking for Success Strategies for building and leveraging a powerful network. The art of creating mutually beneficial relationships. Practical networking exercises and follow-up strategies.

    Week 4: Building Momentum

    Fire Session: High-Impact Networking & Collaboration Identifying key partnerships and collaborations. Advanced networking techniques for high-level connections. Individual coaching on specific networking challenges.

    Inspiral Mastermind Mastermind Meetings banner inspiral growth inspiral business coaching

    Discover our next Inspiral Workshop

    • Every month we create  Inspiral Workshops to showcase our Coaching experiences. These Workshops are longer training versions of 90 minutes.

    The purpose of the Inspiral Workshops is to dive deeper into one of the fields of our Signature Inspiral Business Coaching, which is combined with AI tools and Growth Hacking Strategies.   

    They are open to the Fire and Blaze Mastermind Members and our Inspiral Performance Tribe (Our Signature Inspiral Business Coaching Members). 

      The Next Inspiral Workshop is planned for 7.30 to 9 PM CET on Oktober 17th. 

    Inside this workshop, you'll get:


    • How to use our Signature GPT for your use. 

    • Step-by-step process to using Ai for your Branding.
    • Get a newly-released Brand Guide template, so you don’t need so build one from scratch.
    • Replay of the workshop.
    • 2 weeks of email support from me on refining your brand. (so all your q’s get answered)

    This next workshop is the quickest and easiest way to Get your very own Branding Guide.

    They are open to the Fire and Blaze Mastermind Members and our Inspiral Performance Tribe (Our Signature Inspiral Business Coaching Members).

    Benefits of Inspiral about us about us and quotes about business growth

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Why is called Inspiral Masterminds?

    We believe that in a Inspiral Mastermind, we not only provide strategic guidance and expert insights but also empower you to find your voice, master the art of storytelling, and refine your message. Imagine becoming a "walking candle", a leader who not only inspires their team but also lights the way for others. By honing your communication skills, you'll become a powerful force for positive change, capable of inspiring and motivating those around you.

    How does this Mastermind differ from the inspiral events?

    The Inspiral Mastermind ( also called internally as Inspiral Fogata) is designed to fill those “gaps” in your head about the “how and where to find practical skills without going down a research rabbit hole. This Mastermind is about finding your next best insights, like:

  • the biggest mistakes and lessons learned from other members;
  • how to network with them how to apply practical tips for your personal growth
  • How many members are attending each mastermind?

    Starting October our goal is to have 4 to 8 attending members per mastermind. For higher numbers, online rooms would be made. If fewer than 4 members sign up on time, we’ll invite special guests from our global network of founders and business coaches. In the event that only one member is present, the mastermind will shift to a Q&A session where the member can ask direct questions to our business coach and host, Juan Carlos. While it's not a full coaching session, it provides valuable personalized insights and makes the most of the opportunity.

    Isn't Masterminds just Online Networking?

    Masterminds are a fantastic time to ask and get feedback from other like-minded people. Because you want to connect with businesses who can or need help. And there is a TON of businesses that relied on in-person transactions and are now rapidly pivoting to Zoom and virtual. Masterminds are about meeting online or in person with committed members in the pursuit of their full potential.

    Why should I invest in sharpening my Mastermind skills now?

    Right now is prime for learning how AI and other new skills can bring a new edge to your business and your life. An Inspiral Fogata or Inspiral Mastermind is the perfect place where to test your strategies and share your hypothesis. Besides, you get a lasting feeling of bonding with other leaders while helping others to solve their challenges. (And seriously, why NOT improve your communication skills? That one skill has brought me and my peers more money than any other skill.)

    Are there Masterminds planned the whole year?

    The dates will be updated monthly for better scheduling, and members will receive the agenda via email and WhatsApp. There will be no Masterminds during Dutch holidays, and prices will be adjusted or complementary Masterminds offered. In 2025, we will launch our Inspiral ShareFire Retreat, Mindvalley University, and our trip to Wellnergy UK. We will inform our members of the 2025 calendar as soon as possible.

    Do I need to join every Mastermind? What do i get?

    You choose which sessions to attend, allowing you to follow your schedule and plan ahead. As a Spark member, you can join on Mondays and Wednesdays. Fire and Blaze members have full access to all sessions, including monthly Inspiral Workshops, and if you're in Amsterdam, you'll receive a 50% discount voucher for our Inspiral Mindset Tickets.

    Can I Cancel Anytime? Do I get 14 Days FREE TRIAL?

    Yes, you can join anytime, and as a Spark, Fire, or Blaze member, you have 14 days as a Free Trial once you registered a valid payment method. Fire members can only access an Inspiral Workshop after a full month's payment. After the 15th day, refunds are no longer available for Spark or Fire members. Blaze members, please contact us directly via WhatsApp to discuss your refund options so we can assist you in the best way possible.

    Cool, I'm in. What happens after I buy?

    Fantastic, welcome to our tribe! Here's what happens next: You'll receive an email with details on how to access our calendar and join our WhatsApp Inspiral Masterminds Group. We'll keep you updated on every Mastermind, Workshop, and Coaching Session via email and WhatsApp. I can’t wait to see the big things we’ll achieve together in our Masterminds!

    Still not sure? Give a try! Your first Mastermind session is on us! 

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