Business Tips Digital Marketing
Marketing mistakes

Four Common Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

It is safe to say that the internet has changed the way to conduct online business. Every company should apply some kind of digital marketing strategy if they want to position themselves in the online world.

However, there are common digital marketing mistakes you should avoid right away to maximize the efforts you are putting in to build and rank your brand on the first pages of Google.

Let us learn more about these common mistakes, how you can avoid them or correct them if needed it.

Underestimate the power of blog posting.

A well-crafted, SEO-friendly blog post can do a lot for your business. It can help you to:

  • Reach your target audience
  • Draw more traffic to your website
  • Capitalize on potential customers
  • Help you become a trusted source within your niche
  • Boost your organic traffic

As you can see, blog posting is not something to be taken lightly since the benefits are far too good when you apply this strategy correctly. You can read more about the subject here.
Think about it this way. Every blog post you put on your website is another index page on Google as if it were a new landing page. The more pages you index on Google, the larger are your chances to rank higher in the search results pages. Furthermore, a good blog post with a sweet call to action at the end can transform a reader into a buyer.

So, what is the most common digital marketing error in this particular case?

Many companies do not understand the power of blog posts, so they simply don’t publish entry blogs, or they do publish them but without the necessary consistency (which is worst, if you ask us).

On the other hand, we have the companies who simply put “too” many blog posts (and yes, there is such a thing). Remember, quality is not the same as quantity. You should be posting, at least, 12 entry blogs per month, but these should contain high-quality content that actually serves a purpose. Avoid

As part of your digital marketing efforts, you should create a content marketing strategy that is in constant communication with your search engine optimization strategy. This is how you maximize your investment to get the best results.

Have poor or nonexistent customer service.

Customer service is a key component for any business looking to sell more online. Often, a marketing plan does not include the customer service/experience area as it is conceived as part of something else.

However, a good customer service/experience can be the difference between someone hating or recommending your product or service. Let us remind you that, in the digital era, people go online to read about others’ experiences with a product or service before even considering buying something. Make sure that, when they read about you, they read positive things.
What constitutes good customer service? This is a complex subject on which we can write pages and pages. Nevertheless, here are some of the most important things you should consider:

  • Be crystal clear about your prices and policies.
  • Adequate time response.
  • Have someone in charge of this department. Do not leave this task to a person that has another bunch of things to do or you will regret it later.
  • Train your customer service agents properly so they can respond adequately to the problems.

There are more factors to consider, and we can talk about them later, but from now on, part of your attention should go to creating the best customer service you can provide. Your customers and your business will thank you.

Having unrealistic goals.

We have said many times in the past: one of the greatest things this digital marketing era has is that it levels the playing field to compete.

But that does not mean that once you go live with your website and hit the market everybody will want a piece of you. You need to build your website, your reputation, and a place for your brand within the niche.

Having unrealistic expectations or goals can lead to bad decisions like spending too much money on paid advertising or focusing your time where your efforts will be futile.

Your business can and will grow if you have a clear path ahead of you.

Not take care of your brand.

In the digital marketing era, your brand is your most precious asset. You need to take care of your brand and present it to the world in the cleanest way possible.

Use good photography (professional photographers or at least the most amazing cellphone camera you can find), designs, colors. Never allow your brand to go public with evident flaws in any of these departments. Do not be sloppy about it.

To make money, you have to spend money, and there is no other way around it.

If you are looking for a path to grow your business to reach new levels, Inspiral is the place for you.

Let us have a digital coffee and talk about how you can build your brand and have a successful business.

Growing is a path. Take it with us.


Juan Carlos Zuloaga

About Juan Carlos

I have been developing startups and scaleups in Europe and South America throughout my life.
From 2012 to 2016, I developed several companies in the Netherlands' Import and Export and tourism sector.
A key milestone was to scale one famous US franchise ¨¨ Ripley's Believe It or Not¨, in Europe— becoming one of the 32 Museums of Ripley's Believe It or Not and one of the 96 Attractions of the Ripleys Entertainment Group.

Since 2016, my focus has been on developing startups such as Chamba, a Gig Economy Platform for Home Services in Ecuador, and SelfieFeedback, an Online Reviews Platform based in The Netherlands.
Back in 2018, together with two cofounders, we created our marketing agency in Ecuador called Serendipia to understand how to accelerate the process of launching a company.
Serendipia ( is a marketing agency working with client companies such as Estes in Ecuador and has been part of developing the first tech community called Guayaquil Tech.

Since 2020, I have been applying Growth Hacking in our agency and startups. And in 2021, I launched our own Growth Hacking Agency, Inspiral Growth.

Growth Hacking is about constantly learning.

Having completed academic studies in Germany, Denmark and Ecuador made it possible to take a comprehensive view of management styles and understand the cultural map needed in international environments.

- With more than 15 years of experience as a CEO and ten years as an entrepreneur, I focus on helping sustainable projects and working with leaders in their respective sectors.

For me, Growth Hacking is the next level of Business Development.
Reaching the status of a T-Shape Growth Hacker can be pretty challenging, yet not impossible.

Our goal with Inspiral Growth is always to learn new strategies to scale the brands we assist.
We believe in a lean and sustainable approach.

For that reason, we call our agency Inspiral Growth.

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