how to break a habitHave you ever wondered how to transform your habits to lead a healthier, more valuable life? I recently delved into this topic while tuning in to a captivating discussion between David Meltzer and James Clear, the author of “Atomic Habits.” Their insights shed light on a crucial concept: every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become.

In a previous article, we explored the significance of understanding your motivations, personality, and desires. While self-awareness is the first step, it’s the actions that follow that truly propel us toward change. Moreover, sustaining these actions demands unwavering commitment, forming the bedrock of your habits.

Demystifying the 21-Day Habit Rule

Have you ever heard of the 21-Day Rule to build a habit? Whether it’s 18, 66, or any other number, a quick Google search or a chat with our trusty AI Bots yields a plethora of opinions on habit formation. However, my perspective aligns with the wisdom shared by David Meltzer and Alejandro Bratti: there’s no fixed duration for habit-building.

A habit isn’t about the number of days; it’s an enduring commitment to a behavior that becomes an integral part of your life. Some habits, like morning hydration, take just a few weeks. Creative endeavors, such as writing a book or maintaining a weekly newsletter, may require more time. It took me decades to embrace running, but two years ago, I decided to act. Today, I’m nearing my first marathon, disproving the 21-day myth.

The Real Power of Decisions

The oft-cited notion, “It takes 21 days to build a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle,” no longer holds. What truly matters is your decision to be the person you envision, today and for life. Your decisions manifest as repetitive actions, shaping your lifestyle.

Taking Control of Your Journey

Consider this scenario: losing weight after the holidays, quitting smoking, or ending a frantic search for misplaced keys. If you’ve experienced these challenges, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too, and that’s precisely why I’m sharing growth hacks to make your dream habits a reality.

Setting Specific Goals

In my journey, family played a pivotal role. As someone who despised running, my bold, specific goal became clear in my thirties: “When I’m 100, I want to play with my grandchildren.” This commitment led me to break down my objectives into manageable steps and embrace practices like quitting smoking, regular cardio, gym workouts, and mindfulness. A single decision evolved into a lifestyle.

Streamlining Your Milestones

Breaking down big goals into smaller, realistic milestones is a powerful approach. For instance, my pursuit of a healthy 100-year life involved progressing from 5km then 10km and later in 2024 into a full marathon. A bold long-term vision allows you to adapt your path.

Embrace Imperfection and Learning

Striving for perfection can hinder progress. Embrace the learning process and accept that every action, even failures, contributes to your evolving habits. Practicing consistently leads to gradual improvement and a compounding effect.

Make It Enjoyable

Don’t wait for perfection; instead, focus on the joy of learning and growing. Start with two-minute daily tasks, such as reading a page or stretching, to build habits. Find pleasure in the journey, as every step contributes to your growth.

Harness the Power of Your Achievements

Create a “cookie jar” of personal achievements. Document moments of overcoming challenges and use them as a source of confidence and motivation during tough times. Your past victories become your mental armor.

Prioritize Calmness

Initiate your actions from a place of calmness and relaxation. Stress can be the root of many health issues. Practices like journaling, yoga, meditation, and maintaining an attitude of gratitude can reduce stress and boost well-being.

If you need more feedback or help on the subject, please know that you can reach me on LinkedIn or at, and I would be more than happy to help.

Embrace Your True Potential

Self-awareness is the foundation upon which successful businesses and leadership thrive. Awareness is the first step not only in the way we apply value hacking at Inspiral Growth but also in most of the coaching programs we have been a part of. 

In Value Hacking with Inspiral Growth, we believe that when you understand yourself deeply, you not only collaborate more effectively but also discover the unique value you can bring to the world. This vision becomes an authentic representation of who you are, making it comfortable to share with the world.

Our Value Hacking Coaching Program focuses on helping you unlock this potential. To learn more, follow this link. Join us on the journey of self-discovery, effective leadership, and realizing the true value you can create in your business and beyond.

Before we conclude

To stay updated and learn more about how value hacking can become an integral part of your life and business, connect with us on YouTube and LinkedIn. We’re excited to embark on this journey with you and explore the boundless possibilities that skillful questioning and value hacking can unlock. Let’s transform the way we create value together.


What is value hacking, and how can it benefit my business?

Value hacking is a strategic approach to business that involves asking skillful questions to uncover opportunities for innovation and growth. It can benefit your business by helping you discover untapped potential and create meaningful value.

Can anyone become proficient in skillful questioning, or is it an innate talent?

Skillful questioning is a skill that can be developed with practice and mindfulness. While some individuals may have a natural aptitude, anyone can improve their questioning skills through learning and application.

How can I improve my active listening skills to enhance my value-hacking journey?

Improving your active listening skills involves being fully present in conversations, showing empathy, and asking relevant follow-up questions. It enhances your ability to understand others and identify opportunities for value creation.

What are the common pitfalls to avoid when crafting questions for value hacking?

Common pitfalls to avoid when crafting questions for value hacking include asking leading or closed-ended questions, failing to listen actively, and lacking empathy. Effective questioning requires careful consideration and a genuine interest in understanding others.

Can you recommend any books or resources for further developing my questioning and value-hacking skills?

To further develop your questioning and value-hacking skills, consider reading books like "The Coaching Habit" by Michael Bungay Stanier and "Power Questions" by Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas. Additionally, practice and seek feedback to refine your questioning abilities.

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