What Makes Good Ad Copy: The Question for Selling More
Every time you type a search query, Google and other search engines will display a list of relevant results for that particular term. You will be able to see a list of paid advertisement results and other domains that are ranking organically for that same keyword or search term.
As a creative writer, it is your job to create a compelling ad copy that taps right into the emotional triggers that lead someone to purchase something online.
How can you do this?
What makes good ad copy is indeed the question to answer when we are trying to sell more.
Let us put some effort into answering that question.
To tell a story is to connect.
Google ads are a wonderful tool to bring more sales to your online business. But there is no way to make the best out of this tool if we do not create an effective ad copy.
We will never tire of saying it: nobody wants to know how cool you are or the reasons why you are the best. Ad copywriting is all about mentioning the qualities and high points of your brand without actually talking about just that.
So, if you want to maximize those conversion rates, you need to focus on creating a story around your brand. Notice that we are talking about the brand and not just the products, but why?
Because products come and go, they expire, they go out of fashion, etc. But brands, brands are way more solid.
People are looking to connect with something authentic, even in the digital ecosystem. Ranking higher in the search results will depend heavily on your ability to talk to your audience addressing their “week spots”.
Focus on solving their problems rather than just talking about how magnificent your brand is. We are sorry, and this might be a pill hard to swallow, but nobody cares about that.
Your call to action cannot be just “buy this from now or be sorry later”. Your audience needs and deserves something more from you.
Use the power of social media.
Every day thousands of online stores open an IG profile or a Facebook marketplace. Social media is becoming a place where people go to find something they want.
Of course, not all online stores will be successful, but you can pick the success cases and study them to create a body copy that works for your particular niche.
What makes people follow an account more than others?
What are they doing to sell their products?
How are they communicating with the audience?
You can find answers to those questions if you take a closer look at your audience’s behavior on social media. We are sure you know this by now, but be mindful that social media platforms are different from each other.
You simply cannot expect the same results for a Facebook ad as for a Linkedin ad. It is important you do the little tweaks here and there to adapt the different ads for the different platforms.
A landing page that makes you fall in love.
Every ad campaign needs a proper landing page. After all, you are creating this campaign because you want people to know you have a certain product or thing to offer.
Depending on the main goal of your campaign, you will need to adapt the landing pages copy to fulfill that purpose. Whether is being a part of a community by subscribing to a newsletter or simply buying something from you.
Give your audience a reason why.
The main takeaway from this blog post is that writing ad copy is something that requires time and hours of research. Knowing your audience, their behavior, and the things they like will be the key to unlocking the potential of your advertisement campaign and all the leads it can bring to your business.
What makes good ad copy? Research and stories.
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