5 Common Copywriting Mistakes That Kill Your Digital Vibe
Talking to targeted audiences and increasing conversion rates depends heavily on your sales copy. It may seem like we are exaggerating, but the reality is that buying something is a highly emotional process. Therefore, a good copy is one that can tap into those feelings and bring the desired results.
Make sure not to trip by committing these common copywriting mistakes. Keep your digital mojo going at full.
There is such thing as too many words.
One of the most common copywriting mistakes is using too many words to say a simple thing. Listen, we understand: uncle Google and their SEO bots sometimes drive our content writing way too much.
We want to comply with the different recommendations for the length of a blog post. Sometimes we just want to sound smart, and we use fancy words to write our copy. But this is the digital marketing world; your target is normal people, people with agitated lives and things to do.
Since you are not talking to a scientific community, it is in your best interest to create an easy-to-understand piece of copy that does need a major in English to make sense of it.
In the copywriting world, sometimes, less is more.
Only talking about the different features your product has.
We have talked about this in the past: no one wants to read about how amazing you are, at least not all the time.
A common mistake is to list the product features or description as the only thing that matters. Sure, a few logic-driven people will find your copy appealing, and they may even buy something from you, but that is the exception rather than the rule.
A good copy makes people understand how those features will make an impact on your life.
When writing copy you must think first about the customer and the ways your product or service may change their life.
For example, if you are selling wooden furniture, why is it important that the wood is high-quality?
Because people want to invest in something that they are sure will have a long lifespan. That is what matters to people.
Using the negative side of things.
This is a strategy often used by content marketers in which they focus the attention on the things you will be missing out on rather than the benefits of the product.
Yes, it is effective, and it will cause an impact on your potential customers for sure. However, you must remember that successful brands are the ones that create a healthy relationship with their customer.
Would you call a relationship based on fear and uncertainty a healthy one? Well, if you were talking to a friend about their companion, you would probably be telling your friend to seek professional help. The same goes for your sales copy and your brand.
Again, we understand how tempting it is to tap into people’s deepest fears and take advantage of that to make a sale, but no one wants to live constantly in a state of fear.
We consider this a mistake not because it does not work but because we believe in creating long-lasting connections with the people who trust in whatever a brand has to offer.
Forgetting your CTA.
Crazy, right? How can someone forget about the call to action when creating landing pages for campaigns or websites? Well, you’d be surprised about how common this tends to be.
A call to action is a critical component of any copy. Is that little space you use to draw people to the action you want from them, whether buying something from you, reading your blog posts, subscribing to a newsletter, and so on.
Sometimes, rather than forgetting about the CTA, copywriters tend to not be clear enough about want they want from the customer, and that is when you lose them.
The CTA can be on any particular point of your website. It does not have to be at the beginning or end of the landing page. It just needs to be there and be clear enough to create the desired result.
Having spelling and grammar mistakes.
I mean, do we really need to go deep into this? Not even in the digital world where writing patterns are dynamic and in constant evolution, not even here, misspelling something will be seen as something cool.
Having errors in your copy will make it look unprofessional, and people want trustworthy brands. Having spelling and grammar mistakes is a common problem, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
The good thing is that there are many different online tools you can try to clean up your writing process. Both Grammarly and Hegmminway apps are amazing writing assistants that will elevate your level. Do not be afraid of using them.
The copywriting world is a fascinating one. If you avoid these common mistakes, you will be one step ahead of the race to rank your content and brand.
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