Business Tips Growth Hacking
How to create a great LinkedIn Profile growth hacking agency found you via linkedIn profile

Top 3 tips: why we found you via linkedin profile

We found you via linkedin profile.  Our growth hacking agency hires almost entirely via linkedin nowadays. How to improve it?  We asked several experts, learned from tons of webinars, and added our growth hacking strategies to it. When it comes to your LinkedIn Profile, the best way to ensure it’s a success is by making it with a growth mindset.

It’s easy to get complacent once you have a great profile or job offer—but this could be when recruiters take notice of all that potential! A growth mindset focuses on continuous improvement and learning from mistakes. The key is never to stop improving yourself, not even once you’ve reached your goal. 

Here at Inspiral Growth, we use OKRs. And our First OKR is about our Company Culture, where continuous learning plays a key role.

He created this article and other assets for our team members and now decided to make it available for everyone out there. We even made a video with additional tips about the subject, and soon we will launch some growth hacks on our website to help other companies as well.

Let´s start with the strategy we called: That´s how we found you via linkedin profile.

Tip #1: Authority and Relevance – Decide how you want to be seen.

In a nutshell:  Your relevance is about the content strategies you use in your profile to describe your experience and your knowledge.  Your authority comes from actions taken by other profiles, such as recommendations and items such as awards and skill endorsements.

To succeed on LinkedIn, you need a clear picture of what you want to achieve. The first step is to take the time to research and define your brand, job title, and your goals. Define the main message that you wish to bring across through your profile page on LinkedIn. 

Next, refine your target audience to understand how to connect with people in the right  industry. Then determine your position within this market segment and identify how you can add value to what other professionals do (or do not) for them.

Next comes the keyword research and understanding where people go when searching for information about similar topics related directly to yours so that when someone types keywords into Google like ‘marketing expert’ or ‘social media strategist’ (for example), yours comes up first!  SEO on Linkedin is all about the search results. A recruiter in the past might have found you via linkedin profile due to a specific word you used the most, called keyword.

learn Why should brands use influencer marketing how they found you via linkedin profile

Tip #2: Bring it alive. And start testing!

  • Bring it alive. And start testing!

So once you have created an initial draft of your LinkedIn profile, start testing with different variations to see what works best for you and the viewers of your page. Remember: your profile is a living document. You can always edit it and make changes along the way by going to Settings > Edit Profile > Manage your public profile.

  • Use images and videos related to what you do/what you want people to know about you.
  • Use links to your blog or website in the contact info section (optional)
  • Use keywords in their correct areas – summary, experience, headline/subheadline, skills & education

Be specific to a niche for valuable keywords.

You can use the Google Keyword Planner. And find relevant keywords for your business. You can input a keyword and get suggested terms that are more specific or less competitive:

  • Be specific to a niche (e.g., “online marketing” vs. “growth hacking”)
  • Choose keywords that aren’t too competitive (e.g., “digital marketing analyst” vs. “lead generation specialist”), but make sure your message is clear and concise.

Once you’ve learned this tool, try using it on other platforms, such as Instagram or Pinterest!

Show who you are and your story.

Organize your story. In the About section, tell your story clearly and concisely. According to Google, the About section should create a hook in the first 300 words.

If you wish to connect with people on a specific sector, then this step is very important. Engaging stories of success or failure is how others found you via linkedin profile.

Include visual elements that add value to your story

  • Show your personality and skills by posting engaging content
  • Make sure your work is relevant to your goals, keywords, and audience in the Featured Area by sharing articles or portfolio items in the Articles area
  • Use visual elements that add value to your story, and remember to respect your branding in your complete profile.

Make it easy to see what you do and how you can help others.

It’s easy to see why people want to use a great LinkedIn Profile as an online resume. But while it’s true that many of your professional accomplishments will be visible when someone Googles you, creating a compelling professional summary on LinkedIn can still help you stand out from the crowd in a big way.

The key is ensuring that all three sections—the summary at the top, your job history, and skillset below—are well written and easy to read for recruiters looking for talent at their company. Here are some tips:

  • Use clear and concise language in each area so recruiters can understand what you do and how it fits into their business model.
  • Be honest about what you’ve done in each position, but don’t include information that won’t be relevant to future jobs (for example, don’t include personal side projects unless they’re related directly to one of your skills).
  • By the way : we also have a Growth Hack that offers this service here.

Objectives and Key Results: what is an okr how they found you via linkedin profile

Make it easy for people to reach you and recruiters to hire you.

The first step to creating a great LinkedIn Profile is making it easy for people to reach you and recruiters to hire you. Double Check your email address, phone number, and location are easily visible in your profile’s “Contact Info” section.

The second step is to use a suitable badge when available for a new job.

  • A red heart if you’re open-minded about what kind of job opportunity you would like to pursue next; or 2) A blue star if there’s one particular type of company that interests you most at this time (e.g., Salesforce).

A great LinkedIn profile increases visibility, invites collaboration, and helps you find the right job or client.

A great LinkedIn profile increases visibility, invites collaboration, and helps you find the right job or client.

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals. It’s also perfect for finding jobs. Moreover, It’s a fantastic way to find clients. 

It’s like heaven to find collaborators for your business or projects. And it’s an excellent platform for finding investors!


Tip #3: 4 Growth Hacking Tips for your profile

  • Check out It’s an excellent tool for picking the right profile picture for your profile. Include a photo that’s professional and represents you.
  • Use the Calendly link to make appointments easier for your visitors.
  • Use to keep track of your profile optimization and all the other growth hacks we share on our blog, like this one!
  • To create traction, you should share a post or an article at least twice a week. There are several tools to write copies and pieces now. Check out any Ai Tool related to SEO, yet keep in mind the following: For now, they are great tools to assist you, but you should bring up your style into each text as well. 

We hope these tips help you create a unique LinkedIn profile worthy of all the attention it will get from people looking for great talent! And if you need help with anything else, be sure to follow our social media channels, where we regularly share even more tips and tricks on growing your business!!

By the way, Do you want to know more about Growth Hacking?

  • Growth Hacking is about data and numbers. You should be able to measure and track everything you do or test to see how it works out for your business. It would help if you were very analytical. If you want to become a Growth Hacker, those are essential steps.
  • It would help if you used many different tools to help you with this work. Many great tools available today make it easy for Growth Hackers to do their job efficiently.

Our goal was to share how you can use the same growth hacking techniques that have helped companies like LinkedIn grow into some of the world’s most popular websites.

 The principles are simple: find out what people want, test new experiments, and keep improving until you hit on something that works! 

You can apply these same principles to your brand—even if it’s just a little bit at first—and see how they work for you.  And if we work together in the future, maybe these tips are the reason of why we found you via linkedin profile.

 As always, don’t forget those essential elements: curiosity and creativity! Always be learning!  Ideas that cultivate a growth mindset.

We are looking to train more professionals to work with us and learn about Growth Hacking. Abilities can be developed at your own pace. If you are interested, sign up using this form, and we will notify you about the possible next steps on your Growth Hacking Journey.

PS: For Founders and companies looking for a growth hacking agency. We also have a Growth Hack that offers this Linkedin Profile service here.


Juan Carlos Zuloaga

About Juan Carlos

I have been developing startups and scaleups in Europe and South America throughout my life.
From 2012 to 2016, I developed several companies in the Netherlands' Import and Export and tourism sector.
A key milestone was to scale one famous US franchise ¨¨ Ripley's Believe It or Not¨, in Europe— becoming one of the 32 Museums of Ripley's Believe It or Not and one of the 96 Attractions of the Ripleys Entertainment Group.

Since 2016, my focus has been on developing startups such as Chamba, a Gig Economy Platform for Home Services in Ecuador, and SelfieFeedback, an Online Reviews Platform based in The Netherlands.
Back in 2018, together with two cofounders, we created our marketing agency in Ecuador called Serendipia to understand how to accelerate the process of launching a company.
Serendipia ( is a marketing agency working with client companies such as Estes in Ecuador and has been part of developing the first tech community called Guayaquil Tech.

Since 2020, I have been applying Growth Hacking in our agency and startups. And in 2021, I launched our own Growth Hacking Agency, Inspiral Growth.

Growth Hacking is about constantly learning.

Having completed academic studies in Germany, Denmark and Ecuador made it possible to take a comprehensive view of management styles and understand the cultural map needed in international environments.

- With more than 15 years of experience as a CEO and ten years as an entrepreneur, I focus on helping sustainable projects and working with leaders in their respective sectors.

For me, Growth Hacking is the next level of Business Development.
Reaching the status of a T-Shape Growth Hacker can be pretty challenging, yet not impossible.

Our goal with Inspiral Growth is always to learn new strategies to scale the brands we assist.
We believe in a lean and sustainable approach.

For that reason, we call our agency Inspiral Growth.

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