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How can social media marketing increase brand awareness

How can Social Media Marketing increase Brand Awareness?

Hello and welcome back to your favorite growth hacking blog, where you can get the best tips for your business. Today we will talk about how can social media marketing increase brand awareness and why is it so important for your business.

We are all aware of how long were the days when people went to the tabloids announces to see new offers, products, or services. The way people consume information changed a lot with the arrival of the internet and tech devices like computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones to a point where today, 57.87% of the total population uses social media.

Let that sink in.

Do you see how many potential customers you can get for your brand using social media correctly? We’re talking about 4.48 billion people actively using social media platforms that have arrived within time. And according to more statistics, there is a daily use average of 2 hours and 27 minutes per user.

So, if you’re asking yourself how can social media marketing increase brand awareness and help you reach your target audience, check out here some of the many answers to that question.

Non-expensive platforms

Social media sites offer many benefits by allowing brands to present their services and products to a vast audience without having to pay or create an account for a spot like traditional mass media such as radio, television, newspapers, movies, or even advertisement on billboards.

To get brand awareness through these channels, you’ll need to constantly pay for a spot for the public to see and recognize it frequently. You just have to post content regularly on social media, so the algorithm identifies you. Still, eventually, it will start showing you first on people’s homepages, and they will start recognizing you when they see your posts.

However, it is not that simple. To become a brand that’s easy to spot, you’ll need to have a clear and stable visual identity that differentiates you from others and send clear messages through the content you are posting so they don’t just skip your post.

It offers many audiovisual tools

Our brains rely on sight to retain information 90% of the time, and if something characterizes social media, it would be its audiovisual nature.

  • On Instagram, you post pictures or videos and can add text, but the main thing displayed on the homepage will be the photos or videos.
  • On YouTube, for any post you make, there has to be a video, yes or yes.
  • On Twitter, the main thing is text, but still, you can make it stand out with pics, videos, and even GIFs that are part of the keyboard on social media.

These are just examples of the most common social media channels, but choosing the right platform and sticking to a defined color palette, photographic style, or graphic design elements can make the public identify the brand with the snap of a finger.

Having a well-defined style in the visible part of your brand and constantly displaying it through a social media platform is another way how social media can increase your brand awareness.

Creating valuable content

Nowadays, people acquire information and research about what they want and like through social media. They follow accounts that share the content of their interest, follow hashtags to get more content about a specific topic on their homepage and follow influencers or brands that are connected to those topics.

If, as a brand, you already have segmented your public and know their interests, your job is to create valuable content for them according to the information you have. This way, you will be the brand that pops in their head when they want to learn about something specific or want to see products related to it.

If you add the cherry on top by using catchy and striking audiovisual content with pics, design trends, videos, and the audiovisual elements we discussed above, your content will be memorable.

It allows direct communication

When someone reaches for a brand to get information about a product or service, they’ll most likely have questions they want you to answer before making any rushed decision.

Imagine you see a Billboard about a clothing set that you liked and want to get it asap. Still, first, you want to know the fabric’s material and sizes, even if it’s sustainable or environmentally friendly. How do you get in touch with the brand right there? You can’t.

Through a social media platform, you’re just one click away from sending a message or a comment with your doubts so the brand can respond. It makes the process more humane since the brand answers and interacts with you, creating customer relationships and bonding in the process.

The art of engagement

Sharing content isn’t enough for today’s public; they want to feel part of the brand and involved. Back in the day, the different publications on media were written on paper, prerecorded for TV or cinema, etc.

The public couldn’t express their feelings or opinions about it, but that changed with social media. Now, they can continuously interact with the brand through each post or story, which can help you build brand awareness.

Engaging with your audience, answering and liking their comments and messages, interacting with their mentions, etc. This is another way of marketing efforts to help you reach that recognition by making the public feel familiar with the brand.

Why should we aim for brand awareness?

Brand awareness is the primary goal of every brand, whether a personal brand, a company, or an organization; you want them to get to know you, your values, mission, vision, what you represent, and of course, your products or services.

This will set you apart from others, and your brand’s name will come to their mind if they’re thinking about the area it serves to.

So, how can social media marketing increase brand awareness? By being platforms where more than half of the world’s population gather for at least 2 hours a day, timelapse where your brand’s account and content might pop up at any given time, getting them to know you.

If you want to boost brand awareness, we can give you a hand. On Inspiral Growth, we have many content marketing experts on board who will develop marketing strategies and brand awareness campaigns to help you reach your desired level.

Look through our different growth hacks, see which ones adapt to your needs, and with dedicated customer service, we will be with you every step while we make your brand grow and reach that brand awareness we have been talking about so much.

Or, if you rahter you can also book a call with us here!


Juan Carlos Zuloaga

About Juan Carlos

I have been developing startups and scaleups in Europe and South America throughout my life.
From 2012 to 2016, I developed several companies in the Netherlands' Import and Export and tourism sector.
A key milestone was to scale one famous US franchise ¨¨ Ripley's Believe It or Not¨, in Europe— becoming one of the 32 Museums of Ripley's Believe It or Not and one of the 96 Attractions of the Ripleys Entertainment Group.

Since 2016, my focus has been on developing startups such as Chamba, a Gig Economy Platform for Home Services in Ecuador, and SelfieFeedback, an Online Reviews Platform based in The Netherlands.
Back in 2018, together with two cofounders, we created our marketing agency in Ecuador called Serendipia to understand how to accelerate the process of launching a company.
Serendipia ( is a marketing agency working with client companies such as Estes in Ecuador and has been part of developing the first tech community called Guayaquil Tech.

Since 2020, I have been applying Growth Hacking in our agency and startups. And in 2021, I launched our own Growth Hacking Agency, Inspiral Growth.

Growth Hacking is about constantly learning.

Having completed academic studies in Germany, Denmark and Ecuador made it possible to take a comprehensive view of management styles and understand the cultural map needed in international environments.

- With more than 15 years of experience as a CEO and ten years as an entrepreneur, I focus on helping sustainable projects and working with leaders in their respective sectors.

For me, Growth Hacking is the next level of Business Development.
Reaching the status of a T-Shape Growth Hacker can be pretty challenging, yet not impossible.

Our goal with Inspiral Growth is always to learn new strategies to scale the brands we assist.
We believe in a lean and sustainable approach.

For that reason, we call our agency Inspiral Growth.

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