The Biggest Challenges of Going Online
Launching your company into the online world is a smart choice for your business. This not only grows your presence but also increases your chances of getting new clients. Even more, since the pandemic where everyone rather handling things from home.
If you did make the decision to have a website for your business, congratulations! This means you’re taking your company to the next level in many ways. Yet, for most business owners this big step can feel very overwhelming.
They try some products or platforms that promise to ease the process. But then they find themselves in front of the crossroads of choices that they need to make to build a website. So, in consequence, they feel afraid.
They’re afraid they’ll make a bad choice. No business owner wants to do something that could compromise their company. Even more, if this bad choice could cause them to lose money. An online business demands previous research and lots of patience and commitment.
So, let’s answer the main question of…
…What’s the Biggest Challenge for most businesses when going online?
The biggest challenge for businesses when they go online is Developing a Plan. Creating a plan that will upgrade their business instead of taking it backward. This is the short answer. According to Google Digital Unlocked and Google Digital Garage Certification exams.
For most businesses, developing the right plan is where the mentioned overwhelming begins. So, in a way, the feeling of overwhelm is one of the major challenges business owners have to deal with.
Overwhelm is the main reason you aren’t taking action in your online business. It can impact your ability to think in a logical way. And this prevents you from accomplishing the tasks that will help you to reach your goals.
The most common cause is the consumption of too much information. This leads you to doubt, which causes you the fear of failure. Also generates confusion for not knowing if you’re going the right way, or if the one you chose will work for you.
So, as a result, you end up with a lack of focus and clarity. The next common thing to happen is turning this fear into procrastination. This only limits the results you could be achieving.
Is normal to feel this way when you are getting started. Even more, if you consider all the strategies and actions you need to get done so you can “succeed”.
Now, the reason I quoted the word ¨succeed” is because we tend to think we only succeed once we achieve the final goal. This is not true. We succeed each time we take a step ahead into that final goal.
It’s important for you as a business owner to determine the priorities of your company. For example, who is your target group or your ideal client? Also, you need to set your goal(s), otherwise, you’ll find yourself walking in circles.
You need to design a plan based on your company’s resources so you don’t spend your entire budget in one place. Most business owners get confused here. They don’t know how to choose between the following options:
- Search Engine Marketing.
- Social Media Marketing.
- Search Engine Optimisation.
If you want your business to be successful online, you need to realize that it’s not about choosing one. It’s about knowing how to manage your resources between all three of them. Organization and patience are your most powerful tools to get this done.
Remember that the main goal of your website should be becoming one of your major selling tools. Here are 5 characteristics of a good website so you can have an idea of what to keep in mind when going online.
I hope this gives you the answer to what’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online. I also hope you found this article inspiring for you and your business. It’s all about taking one step at a time and don’t stop moving forward to reach those goals.
So, my biggest advice to you is:
Lose that fear of getting started!
Here in Inspiral Growth, we celebrate the failures as well as the small wins. Failures are growth opportunities and small wins remind you that you’re making progress. And, as long as you keep going, you haven’t actually failed.
Sofia Villamil
Web Developer.